Mission Control Pricing

To use Mission Control's software, every organization pays in all three following ways:

1. Recurring Plan

The primary payment to Mission Control is a recurring license fee based on the package of the customer's choosing, billed monthly or annually. The packages are defined by how many active users are allowed in an organization and by certain features only available with more advanced packages.

Yearly -10%
Tier 1
Tier 1
Per year
Per Month
Tier 2
Tier 2
Per year
Per Month
Tier 3
Tier 3
Per year
Per Month
Tier 4
Tier 4
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2. Launch Package

This is a one-time launch fee to get started on the Mission Control software, billed on your first day. These packages help teach esports & marketing strategy to help get your organization off the ground.

Standard Launch Package ($600): Two-Week Webinar Onboarding

Plus Launch Package ($1440): Thirty-Day Custom Onboarding

3. Transaction Agreement

Customers who choose to charge players a registration fee to join their leagues will receive a majority of the revenue while Mission Control will receive a variable fee based on the recurring plan tier chosen. Continue along to learn more!

Mission Control Pricing

To use Mission Control's software, every organization pays in all three following ways:

1. Recurring Plan

The primary payment to Mission Control is a recurring license fee based on the package of the customer's choosing, billed monthly or annually. The packages are defined by how many active users are allowed in an organization and by certain features only available with more advanced packages.

Yearly -10%

Tier 1

Per year
Per Month
0-40 Active Users
Tech Support
Marketing Templates
6 Concurrent Leagues

Tier 2

Per year
Per Month
41-150 Active Users
Tech Support
Marketing Templates
Unlimited Concurrent Leagues

Tier 3

Per year
Per Month
151-500 Active Users
Personal Support
Marketing Templates
Unlimited Concurrent Leagues
Custom Leagues*
Advanced Data Collection*
Advanced Analytics*
*coming soon

Tier 4

Get a quote
500+ Active Users
Dedicated Support
Marketing Templates
Unlimited Concurrent Leagues
Custom Leagues*
Advanced Data Collection*
Advanced Analytics*
Custom Branding*
Tiered Organization*
*coming soon
2. Launch Package

This is a one-time launch fee to get started on the Mission Control software, billed on your first day. These packages help teach esports & marketing strategy to help get your organization off the ground.

Level 1 - Mercury ($750): Group Onboarding and Marketing Sessions
Level 2 - Apollo ($1500): Personal Onboarding and Marketing Workshops
Level 3 - Artemis ($3000): Personal Workshops and Custom Strategies

3. Pricing Structure

Customers who choose to charge players a registration fee to join their leagues will receive 90% of the revenue while 10% goes to Mission Control, billed as it occurs. Organizations will have to choose whether they plan to charge for leagues or not.

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